Yangs Massage Therapy
Classical Chinese Medicine



If you are new and would like to book an appointment, please email me first at YangsMassageTherapy@gmail.com.
Thank you!

I provide professional and effective customized massages using a wholistic approach and a variety of massage techniques. I also provide a unique Chinese cupping treatment, which has the effect of acupuncture, moxibustion, regular cupping, and herbal medicine.

Massage can relieve pain, release muscle tension, and combat chronic disease, as well as relax the body, optimize your energy, strengthen your immune system, and improve posture and circulation. My practice is based on the philosophy of Chinese massage, sometimes known as Tuina, which is based on the theory that imbalances of qi, the body's life force, can cause blockages that lead to symptoms such as pain or illness. Click here to learn more about what makes Yangs Massage Therapy special.

You can purchase a gift certificate here.

Thanks for visiting, and have a blessed day.

Tracy Yang    LMT, BS